Thursday, July 17, 2008


Arrived back in Singapore yesterday afternoon at 2, if you still count today as wednesday. The few of us had to come back early to take the Chinese Listening Comprehension while the rest could stay in London for two more days. Missing you guys here in Singapore and looking forward to see you when you come back.

Jetlag hit quite seriously (maybe from sleeping for most of the flight home), slept at 10 last night and woke up at 3, wide awake. So I took the chance to do quiet time, like when I woke up 4 in the morning on my first day in Manchester, and also read the TIME magazine and Broader Perspectives that I missed while I was away. Read until 5, when I felt sleepy and fell asleep. Mum woke me up for school. And I was quite awake, until Mr Ho's Literature lesson at 2pm, nodding off for the whole lesson. Quite embarassing really, as the class is quite small and Mr Ho tried to wake me up a couple times gently. And wasted, as I didn't get to collect the pearls coming out of his mouth.

I felt so sleepy, I immediately went to the choir room after the lit lesson and slept on the sofa, not taking lunch, and woke up at 5pm, goodness. Went to the library to study with Joshua, for only about an hour, before Mum picked me up for dinner before fetching Joy home from piano lesson. I hope my biological clock doesn't act up again tonight.

Just like that, my choir journey is over, and I won't have anymore choir practices. It's good for studies, but suddenly something in my life is gone, and I probably won't sing in a choir again. It's been only two years, and vocally, I still feel I have more to improve on. Going back to school early, I was glad to see my classmates, but I also felt how empty the quiet the school seemed to me without most of the choir people there, and realised, that they are quite a big part of my life in VJC.

Choir, unlike other forms of singing, is one which requires the most selfless singers, due to its large number. There's a collective experience in everyone contributing to the sound, yet doing their best individually as one wrong voice spoils the whole sound. By singing with each other, you boost each other up, creating the fullest sounds and chords which no one can do alone. We are many voices, but we are meant to blend to create one sound, all towards a common goal. Sadly we didn't achieve what we set out to achieve this time, but in the long run, we hope that it's shortcomings like this that our juniors can learn from and bring the choir higher.

Well, we won Youth Category and got third for Open Mixed, but we didn't do very well for Folklore. We could have done better, but I think the South African choir deserved to win Open Mixed. I think at least we could have got at least second if we had worked harder to bring out the standard we achieved during our practices. Watching the video recordings on, I'll say we sounded not bad, contrary to how we felt about our songs there. Then again, I don't have a very astute ear. Or maybe its the mics. But well it's over.

I'm glad for this experience of these two years of my life, for the singing, the friends, and the fellowship. Thank you, everyone who has enriched my life in choir, and thank you, Mr Kwei, for giving me this chance.


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