Wednesday, May 14, 2008

post monday

SOV is finally over. So now we can really study properly. Choir is one of those things that you don't want to let go, yet you also want to desperately let go of it sooner for the sake of your studies. Well. Without it, you really have so much more time and energy. Next two things on the agenda is practicing for busking and chinese 'A' Levels. Tutorials and assignments have been lagging and are continuing to. Man.

SOV was exciting. (Partially due to the fact that disaster struck barely a few minutes before the performance, with majority of the choir being stuck in the cargo lift, haha.) The first half songs are vocally exhausting I realised. It was good, the feel was good, it being in the esplande. But it could have been better, especially technically. Well they say performances are like that. And at least the audience enjoyed it. I guess that's what matters the most. Hope that we'll be prepare well for Wales and really give a top notch performance there.

Jiayou choir, jiayou year ones! With determination and hard work we will surely improve.

I realised I didn't see my brother for 2 days because I came home late on monday and woke up late on tuesday and came home late on tuesday. Well. Dad just left overseas for Cambodia. He'll be back on sunday. He just bought us a new cd without us asking for it, Hillsong United's The I Heart Revolution. So nice.

Today soccer girls won the finals. They were good, they can really play sia. They did a great job. Too bad it ended in penalties. It was quite a good match though, many tense moments, haha. Full day should be coming soon!

I have great inertia when it comes to chinese. Well, gotta push myself.



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