Saturday, July 05, 2008

oh, to see summer again

Very long since I've last posted. Since then, I've is studied for exams during the holidays, cut hair, and took the exams, and tomorrow I'm leaving for Wales for the choir competition.

Exams weren't very good, probably won't be doing well. Math's the only one I've got so far, got an E, barely missing a D. Looking forward to Wales, and subsequently London (though my trip was cut short due to Chinese Listening Comprehension). Though I'm a bit apprehensive of how we're going to do there, give that we are aiming to WIN. We really must show how good we are.

I discovered a website, We Feel Fine, which I found out about through Broader Perspectives, the GP magazine. And surprisingly, one of the findings is that Singapore is the saddest city in the world (at least the saddest city of bloggers), at about 2%. So what can we do to help these people?

I was thinking, Economics is everywhere. Let's say love is a commodity. If all we do is receive and keep it to ourselves, like a high Marginal Propensity to Receive, we withdraw love from the economy of society. But if we pass it on, we encourage the multiplier effect! In that way everyone feels loved. If we go out of our way to love although we may not feel like it, perhaps with God's love overflowing in us, we provide injections of love into the economy. Someone has to initiate this, and through the multiplier effect, if we find ways to love one another, like in gestures, gifts, words of affirmation, or even just smiles, everyone will be happier and our Gross Domestic Happiness will increase.

I don't know if you agree with my funny theory haha but just some thoughts yeah.


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