Saturday, February 10, 2007


It's so surreal getting 6 points. Getting 6 points is weird. Because I'm not used to having these type of results. I'm elated because that was my goal but now I have to make a choice on whether to stay or go.

And it's stupid when you get 6 points because you feel so happy yet some people feel so sad. And you don't know how to break the news and don't want to sound too happy or arrogant if the person didn't get that good. Because everyone wants better points. So it's not that happy an affair and it ends up with you trying to console those people and it sounds so fake although you truly care with all your heart. And you can't be truely happy when your friends are not happy. And you feel like you have stolen something from them, you were the winner that made them lose, you were the one that shifted the bell curve. And especially for those who did exceptionally well for prelims and not that well this time.

I also don't want everything getting to my head and being proud because no matter how humble you try to be you're so happy and so proud of how well you've done. So a pride problem comes along.

Argh don't be sad people please don't be like that please be happy because wherever you go God has a plan for you.

I'm glad about this and thank God for this in every victory let it be said of me my source of strength my source of hope is Christ alone.


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