Sunday, August 20, 2006


It's finally over. And I'll return Wei Ren all the badges I've borrowed (thank you very much) and the gloves and anklets to the BB room and know that IT's all over.

And so I'm a Founder Man now. The thing at Singapore Poly, other than being a skilfully orchestrated waste of time (9am-6pm), was rather okay actually. I made a major faux pas when collecting the award, 'cause the Guest of Honour confused me on whether he wanted to shake hands or give me the award first. And I was nervous, and shivering from the cold. So I stood too far away from him, as they said, though I don't remember doing so.

Then there was that City Harvest Church band, The Trio, who I've never heard of before. But they performed, and was quite good. They consisted of the Chinese erhu, the Western guitar, and some African drum or bongo or something. I liked the music.

Mr Low was there too, and rather supportive and friendly. This was the first time I talked to him face to face too. When our camera couldn't work when we wanted to take photo all together, he offered his O2 phone to take, and said he'll give it to the school website administrator to post it up. Such a nice guy.

We met the Minister of State guy, Gan Kim Yong, who was the Guest of Honour. Shook hands, took a photo with him, talked. Yeah, quite cool. And he appeared to be Christian, or at least, slightly knowledgeable of it.

There was nice food too.

After that I went to church, rather tired (thanks for the lift, Daniel). I'm afraid I didn't really pay attention during the sermon.

And so all my BB stuff are finally settled for the meanwhile. And till it comes to the decision whether to be a Primer, I'll just rest in the fact that the Seniors side is all over.

Can't wait for the photos to come out. :)


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