Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Speakers working fine, thanks to Dad. w00t! And MSN Radio's quite good.

Today was usual prosaic mundane day. Except for Physics practical. I had bowel discomfort, and had to go. Later when he collected the books I hadn't completed much, and he chided me on time management. Hey, sympathise, can't you!

E Math and A Math. Was wonderful. Just did practice papers the whole time.

MT was like free period. Math again.

Stayback, do math. Math? What's that? Yeah didn't do much math cause was sick of it. But did a transformation question with Adri as it was more "visual". Then Yane and Adri went up to "jam".
I did a graph question, then went to see. Then went home.

While walking out of school walked past the crazy guy on the way to the bus stop. As he was right next to me as we crossed paths, he shouted "DIE!" as usual, but I was shell-shocked as I didn't expect it. Crazy guy. What's wrong with you!?

Gah, Singapore Idol. Tonight was crappy. Paul Twohill's rendition of My Sacrifice by Creed was off-key and oh man. And Jasmine's dressing is total faux pas now. Especially the hair. Emilee was surprisingly changed completely. The standard of Singapore Idol is seriously way below like American Idol. These are our "spectaculars" you know! Plus Ja didn't make sense at all.

Btw, I forgot to mention on Monday that I ate Swedish meatballs bought from Ikea for dinner! Yum yum. Then chicken rice on Tuesday yum yum. Today was just usual simple.

Then did some math, got sick of it again cause I was stuck at one question. (Will ask Lye Huat tomorrow.) Now studying SS textbook till I sleep. (I learned that the Pope sleeps slightly after 12am and wakes before 6am. So it's roughly 6 hours. If the Pope can do it, so can I.) Then blogging. (Why is it so easy to be so emo online but a total stoner offline?)

Tomorrow got half day. Not exactly 1/2 but it will suffice, like when you ask if the glass is half full or half empty. (Current status: half empty).

You are a cellophane paper.


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