Monday, June 26, 2006


June holidays have ended, but it has done me a fat lot of good. I feel more confident now and more relaxed, hope I can now pick up the pace and start hardcore studying. Studying for an exam is a ridiculous idea, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Today was the first day of school. Made a nice timetable for myself. PE! But argh haven't played basketball for the whole month and felt very noob. Yesterday was also my last dota game. Now I must do hard work!

Been wanting to blog but haven't got the chance. Now I do. I also feel like changing my blog template, and I've got an idea in mind, but now it's so late I guess I have to do it sometime.

Big Dan, the man with the mastaplan is in Singapore! and still on crutches. Hope he heals. It's sad, he can't play football, which he likes so much. I also saw his bro for the first time too. he's also tall, around my height, but he's only 12! I guess he will be like Daniel when he comes our age.

Last Saturday night was quite nice. They did The Time Has Come, the first time they ever tried a song from United We Stand. Also, around the end of worship I really felt the presence of God, really was touched. It was when Pastor Barnz asked us to try think about God, and try to hear if he is speaking to you. Then he asked people to go up if they had heard a message or felt something, and share it. I was scared to go up, so I didn't go.

Then argh, one part of the sermon talked about being unashamed! How applicable!

And here's a photo of Ben and me, forgot when! (kudos to gerry!)


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