Tuesday, July 04, 2006

lonely blogging night

another post meant for the weekend. if you see my English degenerating and fragments all over the place, I'm sorry. a paragraph for each day.

Friday was the Chinese 'O' Level Oral. Emman and I listened to MP3 to relax and sang in the waiting room and woke the whole world up. After that slacked in the canteen, then later met Josiah, who told me what he just got for his b'dae, same as me, iPod Nano. Then he asked me what was my iPod's name, and told me his (sorry I forgot me the self-centred person!). For some reason I just said Trevor. So there it is, Trevor!

Saturday was the Fire Conference. Really good spiritually for me. Got to meet Dan again before he goes back. Still on crutches the poor boy. Pray for him everyone! Stupid Sam and Daryl didn't come. Only Jonathan and Andy and 1 of the other gang. Royston was there too. And everyone and anyone. Saw Benedict from school and chinese class apparently Joel brought him.

Sunday was do lots of homework day plus amah's b'dae celebration. Good Ta Yi went to treat everyone to sakura buffet opposite Parkway there. Had a lot of fun with cousins and got bloated to the max. Strangely, met Charles in Parkway. Wearing the cool stuff as usual. He was deep in thought apparently, cause I called out to him and he didn't seem to hear, then I went quite close to him and waved in his face and he was quite shocked and sprung backwards. Haha.

Monday was Youth Day. Felt "past my prime" as it was no holiday, it was mugging day again. Later in the afternoon had bio tuition, then went to visit the other amah, and sis got new handphone. 3G, Camera, on a P6 girl! And I don't even have infra-red.

Tuesday is today. And I sit blogging on this lonely night with silent contacts on MSN.


If I could be a person who could play in a band and make my own albums, perhaps one of them would be called Signs and Syndromes, a little something from bio. But cool huh? Too bad I'm a noob, and when I'm bored with the summary question I've been staring at for so long, I think of haikus. Then a haiku rampage ensues.

"I own j00!" they scream,
they go search for meaning in
this pointless pwnage.

Haiku Writing
more random haikus
using sesquipedalian
words of no wisdom

Nanny State
The paradox of
political correctness,


mocked up exams are coming. continue to play hangman with me Ming Hao.

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