Thursday, July 13, 2006

waste time.

This template changes real fast. Just like my MSN nick! It's because this blog is but a palimpsest.

I'm staying up late to do my SS homework, and my fingers were itchy, so I did up the new template.

Nice? Of course, it's done by me right :)


It's weird, I felt sad when I was not among the "glorified ones" Mr Hazrin mentioned during his lesson, those with strong vocab thingies. I just shoved it to the back of my mind and forgot about it.

Then yesterday when I stayed back to do homework, then Ming Hao had just finally told me the meaning of inamorata, then he somehow said "haha, you were not one of the glorified ones" not in a sneering manner, but just joking. At first I didn't know what he was talking about, then I remembered Mr Hazrin's comments on Jabez, John, Leslie, Ming Hao, Ben Tan.


Vocabulary doesn't mean proficiency, it's fun to know rarer words, but you simply don't try to stuff your composition chock full with it till it's bursting at the seams. Maybe because he hasn't seen my descriptive compositions. I don't know. Or maybe I'm not comfortable enough with the language.

An A2 keeps on staring me in the face when I want an A1 for English and the comment "not quite there yet" tends to irk me. Being a perfectionist, I'd rather do well in something and zero in the other and that's the reason why my G/SS is in this state.

Shucks, why am I posting. I got G/SS "Holiday Homework" to finish. Hope I can do it all by Friday.



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