Monday, August 28, 2006

why we don't update

Okay I'm updating okay okay?

I got this huge big brotherly ulcer in my mouth, and I christen it Khairy, for all the similarities and shenanigans it/he has caused me.

It's been prelims, but mostly practical first, and one English paper before the gears get cranking. Practicals have been quite good, not that hard. English on the other hand, was stupid because I wrote a discursive I didn't enjoy writing, so it was a labourious process.

After reading Weng Keong's blog I realised how much he mentions me on his blog so I'll do him a favour and mention him too!

And that brings me to the point that I realise I'm some stupid narcissist. When you end up doing stuff like checking your blog stats, Googling yourself, searching for your name on other people's blog eager to find it, and when you find it, feel good, man that's so narcissistic and egoistic and I don't want to be like that.

And Ngee Ann Polytechnic has sent me their school magazine or something, probably to recruit into their ranks! I know this because my brother got one in the mailbox too...haha. This reminds me of the time I went to the barber and 'O' Level results just came out and the guy asked me: "So, can go poly or not?" I politely told him that I didn't take 'O' Levels yet haha.

So I've done my blogging in a very rambling fashion John or gerry style and are you happy now I've updated!


Sunday, August 20, 2006


It's finally over. And I'll return Wei Ren all the badges I've borrowed (thank you very much) and the gloves and anklets to the BB room and know that IT's all over.

And so I'm a Founder Man now. The thing at Singapore Poly, other than being a skilfully orchestrated waste of time (9am-6pm), was rather okay actually. I made a major faux pas when collecting the award, 'cause the Guest of Honour confused me on whether he wanted to shake hands or give me the award first. And I was nervous, and shivering from the cold. So I stood too far away from him, as they said, though I don't remember doing so.

Then there was that City Harvest Church band, The Trio, who I've never heard of before. But they performed, and was quite good. They consisted of the Chinese erhu, the Western guitar, and some African drum or bongo or something. I liked the music.

Mr Low was there too, and rather supportive and friendly. This was the first time I talked to him face to face too. When our camera couldn't work when we wanted to take photo all together, he offered his O2 phone to take, and said he'll give it to the school website administrator to post it up. Such a nice guy.

We met the Minister of State guy, Gan Kim Yong, who was the Guest of Honour. Shook hands, took a photo with him, talked. Yeah, quite cool. And he appeared to be Christian, or at least, slightly knowledgeable of it.

There was nice food too.

After that I went to church, rather tired (thanks for the lift, Daniel). I'm afraid I didn't really pay attention during the sermon.

And so all my BB stuff are finally settled for the meanwhile. And till it comes to the decision whether to be a Primer, I'll just rest in the fact that the Seniors side is all over.

Can't wait for the photos to come out. :)

Friday, August 18, 2006

replacement post

I deleted that lousy sparse post.

Okay that day was oral. And we were trying to do the Kallang Wave, whatever wave you call it along the waiting area. Har har. I was meshed between James and Hari at the start. Eeeyeer. I think I did quite okay for the oral itself, hope I do well, and hope all of you do well too.

And I went home and watched Singapore Idol and man, Hady should win.

Then the next day was the results show and the best few were in the dangerous group again, with the lousier ones in the safe group. And that Joakim is just compromising one more singer everytime he continues. But I don't blame him. It seems that he realises that too, judging from his facial expression everytime his group is declared safe. L4/5!

Today we started filming for the Teacher's Day thing, and I realised how hard it was just to film a few short scenes, and to get everything right. Then almost near the end Ben Tan got very impatient and I was afraid to anger him further. Argh. I was just sorta trying to get everything perfectly right.

Tomorrow's the day I collect my Founder's Award, in the unnecessary ceremonial dress. And it's from 0945 to 1800, after which I go to church. Argh. But after all that, it'll all be over.

But I still can't wait for THAT to be over, but the thing is I don't want IT to start too. Haha. But I'll just need to try my best.

I got a 5 for my Chinese and I don't know whether to be happy or sad. But I'm dropping anyway.


Saturday, August 12, 2006

Green tea ad

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

41st Birthday Bash

On Tuesday (yesterday) I was walking home feeling all cynical about celebrations, the whole wayang of all these. I had this thinking that celebrations are all just a waste of resources and can be put to better use. Propaganda for the mindless proletariat, for the hoi polloi, was what I was thinking. I guess one reason for that was the whole spirit at the National Day celebrations in our school.

But it was today, after watching the parade on TV; oh man.

Singapore is a wonderful place, with wonderful people. The parade showed me that even if it could have been a wayang, it was a wayang for a cause. No holds barred in this case. We were proud of our country, and we just celebrated. Looking at the TV, away from the action, yet the national spirit was vicarious, I felt real pride, for something even as big as a country, albeit a small one.
Man, I keep on using so many John terms.
If it was propaganda, if it was all an act, I was convinced anyway.

I am Singaporean.

Friday, August 04, 2006

I got a hole in my heart, but it was patched up.

That's true, by the way. And it's not some emo thing.

Speaking of holes, those hungry ghosts will soon burn a huge hole in the ozone layer. Walking around and seeing aunties throwing paper in a burning bin, with no qualms about doing evil to the environment. Well I use more electricity than them so I can't complain on behalf of the environment I guess. And I like reading books which uses paper "like free", so yeah, someone else has to be the environmental activist. But I'll complain about your little fires anyway. Aiden

Most of the mock exams are over, I did them all in some stone mood, without a care for being meticulous like I usually do. It's tiring, strangely, sitting at a seat writing on some paper.

And we get all worked up and frustrated,
Just for a few pieces of paper,
In the month of October.

No not a haiku that one. But you can regard it as a poem if you want.

What's nice thing around this period is the preparation for Teachers' Day. Though it consumes much time and all, I must say that music takes your mind of things. Especially if you are the one doing the music. And Yane I really must thank you for your hard work, I can see the effort you are putting in into coordinating everything and trying to get this project to go. We all appreciate it.

Just hope that I can balance the time up to the Prelims, so I can go to a good JC for the first three months. Pray, yeah! And these exams are just pimpling my face up.

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