Saturday, January 30, 2010

was a draft. now two years late.

I happened to log back into blogger just yesterday, and I saw this post. Oh boy did it really bring me back. Not just because of the things it contained, but also how I could see myself in the past – the things I accorded importance or significance to, the things I felt were achievements, even in the way that I did it as a list.

It was cool to see the things I wanted to fulfil in 2010 that I ended up doing, and to see the dreams that didn't happen, and I realise I still wish they would.

In 2009, I

stopped blogging regularly
made new friends
shot a gun
threw a grenade
experienced the worst 3 days of my life
realised how screwed up the army is
appreciated my parents more
got closer to my brother
didn't go overseas
learned more about God
decided to wait
read mere christianity
borrowed lots of books from the library
discovered graphic novels
the sandman
dark knight returns
became a comic book geek (ben this is your fault)
devoured books
went to baybeats for the first time
got to see anberlin live
queued for my first autograph
tried to forget
started learning to drive a civilian car
drove a military land rover and 3 ton truck
learned how vehicles worked
devoured books
discovered john mayer (quite late eh)
discovered muse
discovered jack johnson
discovered sufjan stevens
got a place in the course of my choice
failed to get a scholarship
saw my boys grow and the cluster get closer
helped supervise planning of a church camp (a first, if you don't count BB camps)
bought only one piece of clothing, a t-shirt
the year I watched the most movies
didn't go overseas
actually did gym for 2 months plus
actually managed to be able to run 3km without stopping
can manage 2.4km quite easily now (hey, I never did NAPFA you know)
stopped writing
learned how to use tools
played football at the cage
played with a psp for the first time
learned to appreciate radio-friendly dance music (due to a radio in my workshop, plus the black eyed peas and lady gaga and her ilk)
waited for outings

In 2010, I would

get my license
buy an electric guitar
watch muse live
tidy my table
get fitter
buy clothes
start recording covers
compose songs (hopefully)
go overseas
start blogging again
actually plan outings


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