Wednesday, October 15, 2008

peas of heart

My church just gave all church leaders this book, The Jesus Habits. In it Jay Dennis discusses 31 of Jesus's Habits in his time on earth, that we can emulate and so become a better person and Christian.

I was on the way home from tuition today, and read Habit #10, on Thankfulness.

"The Jesus habit of thankfulness is the continual choice you make to be grateful to God in any situation with the belief that God is greater than that situation."

It also quoted Eric Hoffer, that "The hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings." Haha.

Looking at your circumstances will only bring you to despair. Not only look past your circumstances, but above them. These problems are simply an opportunity for God to be God. Jesus thanked God for the five loaves and two fishes, and allowed a miracle to happen. Likewise our thankfulness to God will allow a miracle to happen. Being thankful for what we have, and simply leaving what we do not have, our desires, in God's hands and having faith and trust that He will provide, lifts our burdens and simply gives us the responsibility of doing our best.

The things of the world are volatile. Look at the economic crisis now. Our degrees are diminishing in value and having one doesn't mean you are guaranteed a job. Our security shouldn't be in earthly things, but in Christ, which is eternal and steadfast. A spirit of thankfulness enables us to face life's darkest hours. Only when we give it all to Him, and realise the privileged position we already are in, will we have peace of heart.


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