Thursday, March 01, 2007

goodbye's the most important word

Haven't been blogging for so long. I didn't feel like blogging much over the past weeks and by the time I did yesterday, my computer malfunctioned. That's my excuse. I'm blogging from my older computer now.

Haha Jonathan came back.

Tomorrow could be our last formal day together as a class if Monday's a holiday due to good 'A' Level results. It's sad isn't it. We were our usual happy class today though it seemed like the fact that it's the second last day kept entering our minds. Or maybe just me. It's also weird because I'm waiting in anticipation of VJC but at the same time feel that I don't want to leave.

Then when it was compass lesson everyone started feeling emo when we talked about how we were going to separate soon.

I feel that a goodbye is important. I don't really know why. Last year when I went to the orpahanage in China I didn't like it when we didn't get to say proper goodbyes on what was supposed to be our last night, though we did manage to ask to go back another time to meet them again and say goodbye, so that was good. I feel you need that closure. Though what I find lame about the three months is that it's over when it has barely begun.

During compass lesson, Ms Loh asked those of us that are confirmed to be leaving to say some words to our class, and I that included me. And perhaps it was just too sudden or perhaps I was just not confident enough of saying what I felt because I'm not as good in expressing myself in speech and in person than in writing? So here goes.

To 07s411:

It's been a really fun term with you guys and I feel happy in terms of the quality friendships made and I'm glad to have met you fun-loving people. No day was boring and I enjoyed the company of all of you. Though the all in this case doesn't really refer to all, but most of you. Didn't really get to interact with some of you and perhaps with more time it would have been possible for our class to get to know one another better. But I still wish you all the best wherever you are going and always be happy.

Also a thank you to the teachers that have taught us. I feel blessed to have such good teachers and I mean it. Especially Ms Loh who I feel has been a real good CT. Thanks for being there providing a listening ear for the class during this period too. And thanks teachers for putting up with our nonsense! Haha.

So I guess it's goodbye for now. I read somewhere that only when you say goodbye, then can you meet again. Love you all.


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