Sunday, October 08, 2006


Sometimes you have much to say but don't feel like typing it in your blog.

Sometimes you have nothing to say but you feel like blogging.

Sometimes you just want to say something that you don't want to say.

Sometimes it's just late at night.

And when you actually blog, crap pours out. Obscuring everything like a stupid PSI 150 haze.

I like to type one-liners. I can't type a whole chunk of text like some people do. It doesn't feel right. I need order. But yet the words may have order but the meaning doesn't. And it's meaning that matters. Who cares if the words are random but there's tandem in meaning.

Sometimes writing's a chore and a stupid bore. Like it is now. I don't know why I'm typing this but perhaps it's to get away from the E Math in front of me. I haven't blogged like this in like forever without thinking what the next sentence is about to say and writing the next thing that comes to my mind. Wayne's orange box is blinking and I should go read it.

Should I sleep? I should stay up and mug. But I know that if I stay up I'll waste more time at the computer. But it's the computer that keeps me awake. It's my Red Bull. The irony. Staying up late just to waste time.

Life's becoming perfunctory.

per‧func‧to‧ry [per-fuhngk-tuh-ree]
1. performed merely as a routine duty; hasty and superficial: perfunctory courtesy.
2. lacking interest, care, or enthusiasm; indifferent or apathetic: In his lectures he reveals himself to be merely a perfunctory speaker.

—Related forms
per‧func‧to‧ri‧ly, adverb
per‧func‧to‧ri‧ness, noun

—Synonyms: negligent, heedless, thoughtless, uninterested.
—Antonyms: careful, diligent.



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