Friday, July 28, 2006

week end

And it's Friday again. Hooray!

But with every uphill there's a downhill, with every weekend there's another week to end.



Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Mocked up

Mocked uped exams have stolen away my afternoons, left drained in the night. Tomorrow there isn't so I thank God for this night that I can stay up late again. I realised that too much sleep can also make you sleepy all day.

Mocked uped people are everywhere, especially in school. Observing people have made me seen how mocked up most of us are, even if we can't help it, like mock meat at the vegetarians'.

Mocked up is YOU too, you know.


Sunday, July 23, 2006

130th Birthday Bash

"Not every school is 130th years old. But of course, there's an older one at Bishan."

Oh Vintage Victoria, like a fine wine, the more it ages, the better it tastes.
More like sparkling juice.

(koped from George's blog)

Thosaporn broke his bottle before he could even touch it. Sad. Just tried it today and it was nice. After the 'O' Levels I'm going to fold paper stars and fill up the bottle, just like the Pepsi glass bottle I gave to my mum.

The Prezident came to our school! You know!

"It's all a big wayang." I couldn't have put it better. Yes it is. And I can't say who said that cause he won't be able to go PAP next time haha. We were chatting on bus 135 about the Victorian Spirit. What is it exactly? We both felt a bit jaded. Both of us felt that sometimes it was just all a big wayang. But no. We had felt the Victorian Spirit before. It was somewhere. But where? Or was it just a common schizophrenia shared when we reach Sec 3? After the Victorian Anthem that day, after all the wayang, we did the cheer. The cheer that we all were confused after a while because it became a jumble of words, the cheer that made us look like tired and steroid-pumped fools. But we did it because we were trying to find the euphoria we experienced before, something beyond just education which we had found in Victoria School. As we cheered, we all knew that that was what we were searching for. In vain? I don't know.

But that was the only part, yes, the only part, which was not a big wayang. It was true.

We do not return to you, mother,
Because we never really left.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


Speakers working fine, thanks to Dad. w00t! And MSN Radio's quite good.

Today was usual prosaic mundane day. Except for Physics practical. I had bowel discomfort, and had to go. Later when he collected the books I hadn't completed much, and he chided me on time management. Hey, sympathise, can't you!

E Math and A Math. Was wonderful. Just did practice papers the whole time.

MT was like free period. Math again.

Stayback, do math. Math? What's that? Yeah didn't do much math cause was sick of it. But did a transformation question with Adri as it was more "visual". Then Yane and Adri went up to "jam".
I did a graph question, then went to see. Then went home.

While walking out of school walked past the crazy guy on the way to the bus stop. As he was right next to me as we crossed paths, he shouted "DIE!" as usual, but I was shell-shocked as I didn't expect it. Crazy guy. What's wrong with you!?

Gah, Singapore Idol. Tonight was crappy. Paul Twohill's rendition of My Sacrifice by Creed was off-key and oh man. And Jasmine's dressing is total faux pas now. Especially the hair. Emilee was surprisingly changed completely. The standard of Singapore Idol is seriously way below like American Idol. These are our "spectaculars" you know! Plus Ja didn't make sense at all.

Btw, I forgot to mention on Monday that I ate Swedish meatballs bought from Ikea for dinner! Yum yum. Then chicken rice on Tuesday yum yum. Today was just usual simple.

Then did some math, got sick of it again cause I was stuck at one question. (Will ask Lye Huat tomorrow.) Now studying SS textbook till I sleep. (I learned that the Pope sleeps slightly after 12am and wakes before 6am. So it's roughly 6 hours. If the Pope can do it, so can I.) Then blogging. (Why is it so easy to be so emo online but a total stoner offline?)

Tomorrow got half day. Not exactly 1/2 but it will suffice, like when you ask if the glass is half full or half empty. (Current status: half empty).

You are a cellophane paper.

Monday, July 17, 2006

late nights trend

It's 10, set to stay to 12, and finish my DHS Paper 1 with the help of this computer to keep me awake. Speakers not working properly, so music doesn't sound right. Sigh. Only my noisy fan to accompany me then.

Today was PE and it was all set to be a nice football match. Yet 4E fell apart because of one match. The want to win, the urge is so bad that it gave bad blood between some of us. And George was the perfect monster on the pitch, sometimes trying to fake here and there, this and that. Normal football evil. But didn't expect it of George. My untainted image of him no more. Previously we were against 4D, and he was up front. Now he was on the opposite team, and I was defender. So I guess I encountered him a lot.

Mr Hazrin, back this term. Lovingly called Mr. H by Charles. Exquisite.

Today was our Chinese Listening Comprehension. 'O' Levels. I almost lost my entry proof if Jingyu did not save it for me. Yay! So Jingyu saved my life.

Me: "What do you do when you have missed the chance?"
John: "I cry. Because I too have missed chances in life."
Or it was something like that.


Sunday, July 16, 2006


"Don't worry, I'm half boy too!"

Thursday, July 13, 2006

waste time.

This template changes real fast. Just like my MSN nick! It's because this blog is but a palimpsest.

I'm staying up late to do my SS homework, and my fingers were itchy, so I did up the new template.

Nice? Of course, it's done by me right :)


It's weird, I felt sad when I was not among the "glorified ones" Mr Hazrin mentioned during his lesson, those with strong vocab thingies. I just shoved it to the back of my mind and forgot about it.

Then yesterday when I stayed back to do homework, then Ming Hao had just finally told me the meaning of inamorata, then he somehow said "haha, you were not one of the glorified ones" not in a sneering manner, but just joking. At first I didn't know what he was talking about, then I remembered Mr Hazrin's comments on Jabez, John, Leslie, Ming Hao, Ben Tan.


Vocabulary doesn't mean proficiency, it's fun to know rarer words, but you simply don't try to stuff your composition chock full with it till it's bursting at the seams. Maybe because he hasn't seen my descriptive compositions. I don't know. Or maybe I'm not comfortable enough with the language.

An A2 keeps on staring me in the face when I want an A1 for English and the comment "not quite there yet" tends to irk me. Being a perfectionist, I'd rather do well in something and zero in the other and that's the reason why my G/SS is in this state.

Shucks, why am I posting. I got G/SS "Holiday Homework" to finish. Hope I can do it all by Friday.


Monday, July 10, 2006

Azzurri owned all.

Watched the match on the big screen at home. Very nice!

Italy managed to win! Sort of expected, considering France's player management. If not for that penalty they perhaps could not have gone into extra time at all. It would have been evil if they won both the final and semi-final by a penalty kick. So it was good that it didn't happen. David Trezuguet was the sad case why Italy won haha. Barthez is a thorn in the French's side, clumsy guy. They should have tried Coupet I feel.

Italy won, which was what I hoped and sort of expected. What was unexpected however, was the wonderful headbutt which Zidane did in the last match of his career. Poor guy, I think he regretted it. He was no where to be found later on.

Everyone was headbutting in school later on. Haha. Played football during PE. And was the only defender, goodness. They all wanted to be strikers or midfielder, and get glory! Haha. We lost 2-1 anyway.

Thursday, July 06, 2006


It's half-time, Portugal vs. France, so far France has scored 1. The whole stadium booed Cristiano Ronaldo, lol. Hoping Portugal would win, but will see.

Argh, forgot last night's one was actually free to air. Liwei reminded me today about this one. Thanks man. The only consolation was that the goals were scored in the very late game, as I was told. Daniel Pflug was screaming for Germany's loss. :) But it's not just the goals, it's the cool footwork that you tend not to see sometimes in earlier matches. Very present in the first half I just watched.

Okay, going back now.

Tuesday, July 04, 2006

class photo

lame ol' timo was bored and scanned the class photo but thanks anyways hahas.

who takes photos at the lame library? I look stupid but so does everyone.

lonely blogging night

another post meant for the weekend. if you see my English degenerating and fragments all over the place, I'm sorry. a paragraph for each day.

Friday was the Chinese 'O' Level Oral. Emman and I listened to MP3 to relax and sang in the waiting room and woke the whole world up. After that slacked in the canteen, then later met Josiah, who told me what he just got for his b'dae, same as me, iPod Nano. Then he asked me what was my iPod's name, and told me his (sorry I forgot me the self-centred person!). For some reason I just said Trevor. So there it is, Trevor!

Saturday was the Fire Conference. Really good spiritually for me. Got to meet Dan again before he goes back. Still on crutches the poor boy. Pray for him everyone! Stupid Sam and Daryl didn't come. Only Jonathan and Andy and 1 of the other gang. Royston was there too. And everyone and anyone. Saw Benedict from school and chinese class apparently Joel brought him.

Sunday was do lots of homework day plus amah's b'dae celebration. Good Ta Yi went to treat everyone to sakura buffet opposite Parkway there. Had a lot of fun with cousins and got bloated to the max. Strangely, met Charles in Parkway. Wearing the cool stuff as usual. He was deep in thought apparently, cause I called out to him and he didn't seem to hear, then I went quite close to him and waved in his face and he was quite shocked and sprung backwards. Haha.

Monday was Youth Day. Felt "past my prime" as it was no holiday, it was mugging day again. Later in the afternoon had bio tuition, then went to visit the other amah, and sis got new handphone. 3G, Camera, on a P6 girl! And I don't even have infra-red.

Tuesday is today. And I sit blogging on this lonely night with silent contacts on MSN.


If I could be a person who could play in a band and make my own albums, perhaps one of them would be called Signs and Syndromes, a little something from bio. But cool huh? Too bad I'm a noob, and when I'm bored with the summary question I've been staring at for so long, I think of haikus. Then a haiku rampage ensues.

"I own j00!" they scream,
they go search for meaning in
this pointless pwnage.

Haiku Writing
more random haikus
using sesquipedalian
words of no wisdom

Nanny State
The paradox of
political correctness,


mocked up exams are coming. continue to play hangman with me Ming Hao.

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