Saturday, November 17, 2007

thanks you

I think words are not enough express the appreciation and the happiness I've been feeling. Sounds cliché, but it's true.

First of all thanks to all who wished me via SMS, face-to-face, or by any other means. Thanks for remembering and making the day special. To the very first few like John and Calvin who wished in advance before their trips and to those that did so belatedly, thank you all.

Thanks Ta Yi for the dinner at Jumbo with the relatives on Tuesday night.

I really want to thank Desmond, Jialing, Novabelle, Xianyong, Wayne, Rayrin, Jiaming, Ching Chieh, Lixuan, Frederick and Danny. for that wonderful night. I'll remember it forever. Thanks for the well-planned wonderful surprise at Vila'ge that I could never have expected. Thanks for all the gifts, especially the banner/card. I don't know if you could tell with my typical stone/blur face but I was really touched. And stunned. Thanks. :)

Thanks Dad and Mum especially and the rest of the family for making this period special and for the dinner at Din Tai Fung which was really nice haha.

This is the best one so far.

Thank you all for being my friends.

Thank you God brightening up my day.



Blogger Ben

My feelings exactly.

1:47 pm  

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