Wednesday, October 31, 2007

aye and arr!

Project Task chosen: Task 1 – Groundbreakers
Title of Project: The “Father” of Artificial Organs
Name of Candidate: Jeremy Ho
Group Index Number: VJ164
Date Submitted: 31 October 2007
Name of Supervising Tutor: Mrs Ting Siang Leng (Goh)
Signature of Candidate:
Signature of Supervising Tutor:

Strengths and Limitations of our ideas
Our ideas are not good. No, not at all. They are boring and ineffective.

Alternative approaches
We could have chosen a different and more interesting topic, or I could go back in time to prevent the creation of PW.

[37 words]


stop procrastinating, jeremy.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

could have been

The phrase "could have been" carries with it a tinge of regret when used in "it could have been better". It is the lamentation of the lost chances and opportunities or the wrong decisions we have made that turned out for the worse. A person saying it is someone who cannot help but thinking whether life had an "undo" button. Perhaps it would be better if the person looks back into the past not in regret, but to learn from the mistakes, and move on forward.

The phrase "could have been" carries with it a tinge of thankfulness when used in "it could have been worse". It is the contentment with the good things and the blessings, and an appreciation for the fulfillment of needs and wants. A person saying it is grateful and awaits each new day to experience the good things in store. Living in the present, looking towards the future, filled with hope and awaiting the promise of what lies ahead.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

spot 'em

this is quite fun. see how many artists and bands you can spot.

Friday, October 19, 2007

jeremy the golliwog

Got back results today. Didn't do that well but I guess it's proportionate to the effort. The results stand as thus:

Chinese: S
Chemistry: S
Math: E
Econs: S
Lit: E

Chinese: U
Chemistry: E
Math: E
Econs: S
Lit: C

Chinese: U
Chemistry: E
Math: E
Econs: S
Lit: D

The sad things are chinese being my first U and also that I have to take it next year. My chem was also quite bad as it is a borderline E, and math could have done better like many other have. Econs was sad also because it was a worse S. Need to work hard for econs.

The happy things are GP with a good essay and not bad a compre. Lit also had one good essay which pulled the other two up to help me get the C grade, although sadly mid-years pulled it down to an overall D.

Got to work harder for chinese this period to try clear it next year. But I keep on nodding off in class and in tuition. But today's tuition I was quite happy as I was very alert and didn't sleep at all haha.

Today on a whim, I pushed all my hair up once I came out of the shower and left it to dry on its own. As a result Mrs Ting called me a golliwog. Lol.

Recently started listening to a couple of bands. Anberlin I really like and I want to hear more of their songs. Some of their songs are noisy due to the distortion and all that but it's those musical noise if you know what I mean. Paramore is quite cool because it has a female vocalist, for a change.

Recently also started playing O2jam haha. It's quite fun, If you play, next time can play with me!

Wednesday, October 17, 2007


It doesn't make sense when someone just goes like that, young and a few days before his major examinations. I don't think I would have known about it if my mother had not spotted the newspaper article, and for the fact that he is from my alma mater. I just assumed that he would get better, but retain, at the most. Weng Keong updated me last night that he was in a critical condition, however, I didn't expect it when Desmond told me on the way home from practice that he was gone. It's very sad and more so for his family. And to think that it happened on the night of his graduation day. It was the closure of one chapter of his life, but he never got to the next chapter.

It's so fragile, life. I'm not going to take for granted the good things life brings and keep lamenting about the bad things anymore. It's better to be thankful for each new day and to make the best of it than to waste the days you have left.

pee doubleyou!

WR's finally done and submitted today. One less thing to worry about.

there's still chinese.
and oh pea!


Friday, October 12, 2007


i wish we all could win
i wish we all could smile
i wish we all could make our mothers proud.

Thursday, October 04, 2007

no, nothing at all.

a song from primary school days. the video's quite funny in a way haha.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

muted post-exam roar

Why does it feel like i'm the only one staying at home while everyone's out gallivanting or playing during these few free days. Only went out on Friday, and on Monday, after the chinese exam, but other than that, I've been at home since Tuesday.

It's quite relaxing, but rather unsettling feeling, staying at home all day as the past year has mainly been school and weekends with work to do. Now I have no formal tasks to accomplish and can pursue my own interests and suddenly I feel quite bored. Not used to it I guess.

It doesn't help that I don't take the initiative to organise outings haha. And it's only a short break. PW and chinese 'A's are soon. And I'm having tuition today, the first time this year.

And haha Facebook!