Sunday, December 31, 2006


It's been a year.

Stayover ended up watching all the episodes of Prison Break until the episode we missed before the episode we missed that night on TV.

Charlotte's Web is boring. Don't watch it. But read the book.

After the gathering before the stayover I went with Shih Ee to Seng Kang Library. Borrowed To Kill a Mockingbird and Fahrenheit 451. Then Ben helped me buy A Catcher in the Rye while using the $2 MPH voucher from VJC open house haha. So now got 3 books to read. Haha while with Shih Ee and Xinhui on the MRT we were discussing English errors I forgot why then Xinhui brought up irregardless as a common error which I used in my previous post! Argh!

There's watchnight service tonight. And I'm on duty.

It's been a fun year. Glad to have met and be friends with all of you. Take Care and God Bless.


Friday, December 29, 2006


at junen's house now for stayover!

Ryan brought over xbox ben brought over controllers and games daniel brought over another Halo 2! Samuel brought over the first season of Prison Break! And Junen invited us to his house. So...

We started with first two episodes of prison break then xbox they're still playing xbox but I got sian and went into the room with two computers.

It's been fun?

Wednesday, December 27, 2006


that's the name of the orientation. dunno what it means.

Yay I passed the KI test but frankly it was one of the essays I've enjoyed writing in a long time. The question was: "Why is "because" an important word?". Sadly there was a 1 page limit so I could not jot down all the thoughts that eventually started brimming full in my head. But nevermind cause I've passed!

The whole day was just talks about each subject and Literature sounded more inviting which made me consider it again though I dismissed it before. So I guess I'll try it first to see if it's okay. Biology was scary but I'll still take it if Literature doesn't turn out to be my piece of cake.

Ling Yong's at my house now playing Xbox with us and will sleep over tonight! We're having loads of fun!

Forgot to mention about watching Finding Neverland last night. It was so good, that movie, and I don't know why. It's a type of movie you want to watch again. I guess everyone's trying to find their own Neverland but you're never going to find it because it's a Neverland. Only God can give us our heaven. So that woman was never supposed to find her neverland but she did at the end of the movie. Johnny Depp's is simply magical in movies I guess.

Tomorrow is a movie with p6gep friends and a stayover at Junen's house after that. Sorry I cannot go to the class BBQ guys cause the stayover was already planned beforehand and the BBQ was too last minute. Well, I've just removed hope of a last catch up with you guys so I guess another time like CNY next year?

And that's all, folks.

Tuesday, December 26, 2006

cash trims

Merry Christmas everyone!

It's post-Christmas today and the festive mood that took one month to build is dying away. Cause it's a mood. The reason still remains, irregardless.

It's been an explosive weekend!


Ta Yi brought bro and me out and cousin Ling Yong to shop for Lego. Haha. Didn't plan to buy as never play with Lego for so long it's like very childhood lor. But I bought one that I liked in the end. Actually 2 sets. Won't say what it is as it's limit was 14 years old. Haha. She's generous to us, that Ta Yi we have. Which is one of the many blessings. Thank you Ta Yi!

Then I went to Ling Yong's house (opposite school) to fix the Lego while Ben joined the rest of my family at Parkway as Ben and Joy had to do spectacles stuff. Didn't get to finish one set even cause soon we had to go to Ama's church (Church of Singapore) to watch her Christmas event they organised worship and message in Hokkien so very hard to follow. During worship just read the screen to know the meanings. Though I recognised some of the songs. There was a magic show in English. Quite impressive and funny lah. But it's hard to be involved in such services more meant for the older people. But glad to see that Ama was so involved in worship even when she didn't know the words and stuff cause she's illiterate. That means she can't read the Bible or the screen for the lyrics. But still she enjoys a relationship with God. Her illiteracy's not a barrier thanks be to God.


Dad brought us to Campus Crusade for Christ Media Ministry. Basically a bookshop. Bought two CDs so got more CCM to listen to! Though no Planetshakers argh so funny don't have Planetshakers. Everyone else got their own stuff too.

Then after that went to eat Heng Hua noodle at the hawker centre near Farrer Park MRT Station. Then went of to Funan where Joy was looking for The Sims expansions. I got iPod Nano plastic covers which were a hassle to put on but now is generally okay lah. Joy got her expansions though it came with the original which we already had but it was ultra cheap so good. And now got new stuff to play on The Sims so fun but holiday is nearing its end. Dunno what happened to wanting to play Warcraft III with Timothy haha.

Sunday (Christmas Eve):

Christmas Eve service in the morning. Church was so packed that in the end we had to sit at the haven there cause waiting for "later" friends. Everyone was so happy that's one of the reason's why it's fun to hang around church and church people!

After that went to Jabezzy's house! Haha. He was alone at first. His sis came home and his bro soon after. Ben wanted to come along ended up playing Kingdom Hearts 2 on Bezzy's PS2 for the whole afternoon. Tried out his Rhythm Traveller drums haha now I know why it's so cheap. But Bezzy is still pro drummer okay keep on emulating Travis Barker in his Blink 182 songs. Just chatted most of the time. His dad and mum came back much later and was very hospitable. And the "Jonk" on my camp T-shirt is from his church. It's a nickname, apparently. Near the end he showed me some guy called JoJo Mayer his video got some double bass and triple bass pedalling with only one pedal and another one with him just playing drums very pro. Bezzy it's been nice catching up!

Monday (Christmas):

Christmas Day! Christmas service in the morning. Everyone was wearing so formal and I felt so out of place cause I don't have those Zara or Topman stuff. Only T-shirts. So boring right? What to do. Determined not to sit at the Haven, we went to the chapel. Service as usual everyone was as happy and giving cards and presents.

Then family went off to Junction 8 for lunch before going to Ama's (father's side this time) house. He surprised us by bringing us to Din Tai Fung weee xiaolongbaos! So long never eat at DTF already!

After that went to Ama's house but she was sleeping so ended up falling asleep myself on the sofa cause I was so tired. Barely got to be with Ama when she got up as I was sleeping. And her memory is failing her as she's getting old. Hope she remains fine.


Today went to Ikea in the morning all the way till late afternoon. Breakfast was rather nice. Then when to look at shelves cause we wanted to get shelves so that we can make our rooms tidier and prepare for new stuff in JC and other reasons. Time passed quickly and soon it was lunch. Ultra-crowded man! I very much enjoyed the fish and chips that they were selling and the chicken wings. Didn't enjoy the Swedish meatballs as much this time. But we had a great time out and got new shelves and stuff. The shelves are arriving on Thurday cause we had to get delivery as they were too tall for our car.


This has been the most fulfilling holiday so far. Mostly because of the China trip and the church camp. But it's been a fun time with all of you! Strangely I've only watched one movie during this holiday. Though perhaps I'll be watching Charlotte's Web with my P6geper friends this Thursday (revisiting our past education haha). And a stayover at Junen's house is confirmed! Hurrah! Tomorrow must go JC and do some stuff. Haha.

Have a Happy Rest of the Year everyone!

Thursday, December 21, 2006


It's no longer about the Christ in Christmas. It's about the mass celebrations and the festive mood and all this jabberwocky. And as I set up the Christmas tree with Dad and Joy yesterday, I was beginning to get into the mood. But it's real nice, this tree. Will show you photos but my phone has no more space.

It doesn't matter does it, the true meaning of Christmas. After all it's not His real birthday. It's all about the Christmas trees, Santa Claus, the "festive mood", the lights at Orchard Road. Okay, those are beautiful (or fat) but then well, we don't know his real birthday. And we really need to celebrate something as wondrous as the God of this world actually giving Himself to us, as His son, to come down so that we'll be vindicated. If you were God, will you care about humans. Like you won't care anything about those ants on floor. But He did care.

So with four more days to Christmas, enjoy the season, but remember the reason.

Haha I want to go Orchard Road see the lights. Anyone with me?

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

head count

Ming Hao, Timothy, Ting Wei, and me! Mer-Mer-Meridian!

Monday, December 18, 2006


Church camp is Kota Tinggi is over I'm back again.

Why Jesus? Then you meh?

We're the most worthless creatures ever. But God gives us worth. And He's always close by.

Thrust back into Singapore again just when you started to love life.

But life rocks anyways cause He's the reason.


Thanks Paul for being such a great leader but really it's thanks God for instilling in Paul the right words to say. Cause throughout the camp, what he said during group time really applied to me. Thanks. And thanks to the group for being such a fun and personal group it's so great to have friends that you can just be with comfortably.


Got posted to Meridian JC. Everything's okay but being called a Meridian just sounds weird, while Victorian sounds so cool. Anyway better than Serangoonian or Tampinesian so still elite! Bwahaha.

Found out during camp when Dad told me. Leonard Heng in my group was a real comfort in way cause I was trying to "find comfort with the truth" but found out that he was also a Victorian and in the first batch of students in MJC. And he turned out still fine and dandy nice and happy. So the school doesn't make who you are, you make the school what it is. Okay that's not really right I guess it's both ways.

You like delusions, you like illusions because you don't want the truth, because sometimes you don't want to be set free.


Just realised that I don't like blogging about experiences. Especially good ones it seems. Cause everything is just thrown at you in the face and you're delighted and surprised and sad and happy and amused and bored and just tired but all the emotions and stimuli and thoughts just processed and kept; that's what and experience really means. Words can't say what you truely mean in these situations and even if you try your best you'll be typing an essay of infinite proportions. And if these experiences are all in a course of four days or twelve days it's almost impossible to embody the whole experience into words - it's pretty pointless unless you're me or one of those sharing in the experiences.

So China and this camp is quite out of the question because it fits the criteria I've stated above. China because of the true joy and love I felt and the camp because of the love again, but this time from God. It's hard to say. All I can say is that it rocks, and you must take my word for it. I can't explain myself.


Argh love Jesus.

These word came to me during worship sessions in a way it never did before. Look at it meditate on it you realise how on earth the God of this world is so good as to do this? You worthless mortal that's all you are you know.
I called, you answered.
And you came to my rescue.
And the next line is true too.
And I just wanna be where you are.
And the many other worship songs that also talk about His relationship with you. I realised how much He really cares and that He is there and that touched me terribly.

Monday, December 11, 2006


Ben, Dad, and Joy's gone to Kota Tinggi for Junior Church Camp. I'll go for Senior in a few days time. That leaves Mum and me in the house.

Meanwhile holiday feature is...boredom!

Unless someone is organising an outing I've lost contact with all of you don't know where you guys are on holiday or something my outside computer's malfunctioned and I haven't been able to go on Messenger to talk. Doing this on the computer in my room which is slightly slower but nevertheless okay.

Mum's calling for lunch. better go.

Thursday, December 07, 2006


I was hoping for a similar flight experience home as the one there. But it was different.

China Eastern plane was cramped as usual. But at least the flight from Lijiang to Kunming was short. Then at the end of the flight everyone was getting ready to get off the plane, my dad asked a person standing up to help him take his camera bag from the storage compartment on top, because we were all still sitting down waiting for them to get off. We were quite surprised that the person asked him to take it himself later, in a nonchalant manner. This are the type of people that paint China in a bad light. But I'll still go back because of the others.

Kunming's like much more urbanised. It's like Singapore but much more dustier, and slightly uglier as it had less urban planning plus old buildings I guess. And less trees along the roads like what Singapore attempts to do. And I had been used to uber clean and clear air in Lijiang, and suddenly you plonk me in this place. And I had also been used to seeing a mountain in the landscape wherenever I turn, and suddenly it's all buildings, which was what I commented to Maddy. Did you know you can like see the moon whatever time of the day in Lijiang? It's wonderful. And at night it's uber bright.

We had arranged to meet up with Suni at the airport. He's under YWAM but in China as a student learning Chinese, not a missionary. Apparently you can't say missionary in China as we all had to refer to the word as M, haha. Then I contemplated standing in the middle of the road and shouting "I'm a missionary!" and see police appear from nowhere to drag me away. Suni had been staying there for quite long. Ben's met him but I hadn't met him until yesterday. He's a huge guy, looks like a wrestler but he's very gentle and friendly. BFG lol. He lead us to take a bus down to somewhere. Then he brought us to a restaurant for lunch which serves very nice roasted duck, like one of the restaurants Hu Mama brought us to in Lijiang, but more posh. The skin is like Beijing Duck, crispy and nice, though we also ordered Beijing Duck later with the wrap and stuff. The other dishes were nice too.

After that he brought us to this area, an expat area in Kunming, much like the open area in Bugis Junction, and showed us a church. It's supposed to be a branch of a state church, but it was surely more than that. Cause it was quite open and very much like a church in Singapore, not like a state-controlled church. Suni told us it normally overflows during services onto the street. The he added its also because its warmer on the street due to the sun and gave his jolly laugh. Haha. Then he brought us to a gift shop just down the street. It was practically screaming Christian gift shop. You go in and they sell everything that's gotta do with it. Apparently Suni's friends with the storekeeper, who probably goes to that church too. He's the first China person on this trip that I heard that speaks good English. Very friendly too. Bought a shirt which says "Pray Hard", with a picture below which jeans with those knee holes. Then "1 Thessalonians 5:17 below". Then walked down to a bakery, which was owned by a local Christian too I think. Saw a lot of ang mohs man.

Was quite surprised on how open they were allowed to be. But Suni told us about some instances in which the council or governor there is now more allowing of Christianity. Like how one of the council people or someone commented that they rather let more churches be built then to build more prisons. Amen to that. Cause the churches are bringing about reform. He told us that at the halfway house he worked at, they once dismissed the staff cause all were Christian workers. But now they don't mind because they can see that they are helping the drug addicts and such. Then he told us about how some people had a house church. And a neighbour complained to the police that they were too loud, due to their instruments used during worship. And the police just told them to move to another place that won't disturb the neighbours. Lol.

Took taxis back to the airport and hurried on the Thai Airways plane. I was expecting a good flight on Thai Airways like on the trip to China but it was going to be different. They served lunch, but it was mid-afternoon. And I ate everything and helped my sister eat some also. Bad move. Ate some peanuts I bought earlier at a supermarket in Lijiang. Poured the lot into a vomit bag, so it was pretty funny. Saw a whole group of Singapore Swimming Club kids on the flight as well.

Transit at the Bangkok Airport with some long name was for quite a long time. And the air-con was off so it was very hot. Was very bored and already quite tired by then. Tried to play some card games with Joy but was still bored. Maddy and Tammie got the toner and moisturiser from a duty free shop as a surprise gift for Ben and me, as they were teaching us how to remove pimples haha.

The next flight was back to Singapore. They served dinner which was exactly the same as "lunch". And had no appetite. The people were very busy or something cause it was very hard to get service. But the Thai Airways is quite good as the food is normally okay and service is normally okay and they had Time and Newsweek and The Economist. But it was the ultimate. Cause I was reading Time after the "dinner" and accidentally knocked my drink of Sprite which spilled over my right leg. And that took the cake and put me in a bad mood. So I went to sleep instead till the end of the flight.

Didn't want to stay moody and tried to be better but couldn't, more so to the tiredness. The Sprite had already dried and I was in a couldn't be bothered and just wanted to go home kind of mood. Maddy and Tammie went off after collecting the luggage, and Dad bought some wine from the duty free shop. Our whole family was rather grumpy and irritable already, because we were all very tired. Maybe except Joy. Then we took two taxis home, cause there was so much stuff.

You know, the feeling of returning to Singapore is still so surreal. Walking off the plane into customs queues and then to collect luggage from rotating conveyor belts while throngs of people wait behind the glass but not for you. Well maybe some. And you're all tired and dazed and just a zombie, and glad and sad at the same time to be back home. Though this time it seems I may have found another one.

Today was all fun a games with siblings at this malfunctioning computer. Attempted to play a few card games. Tried building a house of cards, and gave up at the second level when it all fell down. Waking up late plus long awaited mum-bought char kueh for breakfast and Mum's home cooked fish for lunch and KFC for dinner thanks God and mum for all the food. Haven't stepped out of the house maybe because I'm a nerdgeek or a homeboy or something or that I'm afraid I won't see a mountain but lots of buildings instead, or maybe I'm plain lazy or maybe I just was with siblings.

Will blog more about the trip itself another day. When I'm bored and have a lot of time. But I really must blog about it.