Monday, December 18, 2006


Church camp is Kota Tinggi is over I'm back again.

Why Jesus? Then you meh?

We're the most worthless creatures ever. But God gives us worth. And He's always close by.

Thrust back into Singapore again just when you started to love life.

But life rocks anyways cause He's the reason.


Thanks Paul for being such a great leader but really it's thanks God for instilling in Paul the right words to say. Cause throughout the camp, what he said during group time really applied to me. Thanks. And thanks to the group for being such a fun and personal group it's so great to have friends that you can just be with comfortably.


Got posted to Meridian JC. Everything's okay but being called a Meridian just sounds weird, while Victorian sounds so cool. Anyway better than Serangoonian or Tampinesian so still elite! Bwahaha.

Found out during camp when Dad told me. Leonard Heng in my group was a real comfort in way cause I was trying to "find comfort with the truth" but found out that he was also a Victorian and in the first batch of students in MJC. And he turned out still fine and dandy nice and happy. So the school doesn't make who you are, you make the school what it is. Okay that's not really right I guess it's both ways.

You like delusions, you like illusions because you don't want the truth, because sometimes you don't want to be set free.


Just realised that I don't like blogging about experiences. Especially good ones it seems. Cause everything is just thrown at you in the face and you're delighted and surprised and sad and happy and amused and bored and just tired but all the emotions and stimuli and thoughts just processed and kept; that's what and experience really means. Words can't say what you truely mean in these situations and even if you try your best you'll be typing an essay of infinite proportions. And if these experiences are all in a course of four days or twelve days it's almost impossible to embody the whole experience into words - it's pretty pointless unless you're me or one of those sharing in the experiences.

So China and this camp is quite out of the question because it fits the criteria I've stated above. China because of the true joy and love I felt and the camp because of the love again, but this time from God. It's hard to say. All I can say is that it rocks, and you must take my word for it. I can't explain myself.


Argh love Jesus.

These word came to me during worship sessions in a way it never did before. Look at it meditate on it you realise how on earth the God of this world is so good as to do this? You worthless mortal that's all you are you know.
I called, you answered.
And you came to my rescue.
And the next line is true too.
And I just wanna be where you are.
And the many other worship songs that also talk about His relationship with you. I realised how much He really cares and that He is there and that touched me terribly.


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