Sunday, December 31, 2006


It's been a year.

Stayover ended up watching all the episodes of Prison Break until the episode we missed before the episode we missed that night on TV.

Charlotte's Web is boring. Don't watch it. But read the book.

After the gathering before the stayover I went with Shih Ee to Seng Kang Library. Borrowed To Kill a Mockingbird and Fahrenheit 451. Then Ben helped me buy A Catcher in the Rye while using the $2 MPH voucher from VJC open house haha. So now got 3 books to read. Haha while with Shih Ee and Xinhui on the MRT we were discussing English errors I forgot why then Xinhui brought up irregardless as a common error which I used in my previous post! Argh!

There's watchnight service tonight. And I'm on duty.

It's been a fun year. Glad to have met and be friends with all of you. Take Care and God Bless.



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