Tuesday, November 28, 2006


The kids rock.

And the younger ones are ultra-cute!

Haha basically I've just gone through two days of this trip, the afternoons which were spent with interacting with them and teaching them. The workshop I was doing was teaching English, which was quite fun.

The first day we taught the P4s. Haha all of them were the ultra-cute and ultra-enthu. Everyone paid attention well except for one boy, but he was like a normal Singaporean kid haha. We went through a programme, which I won't elaborate, but it was very simple. One of their problems was pronunciation. Like "thank you" might turn out "tunkew" and stuff like "egg" they kept on saying "yigg". But they seemed quite excited about "elephant", like a long word that they all know how to say, like how we were once all so proud about "faux pas"! Another problem was that they could not learn English as a language which built up on basics, like they could not relate pronuncing "rain" to pronuncing "rainbow". And Uncle Andrew tried "the rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain", and it seemed that they could not relate all the "ain" sounds. They were learning it like Chinese, like for each word they use rote memory.

But I found it quite amazing that they all were so receptive to our teaching, and how they found a story (Noah's Ark) so entertaining. They were enraptured lah. Nowadays all our Singaporean kids are all TV and computer games. And these kids are happy all the time. Despite that they are "worser off" but no, they are actually better off than us in terms of upbringing. It may sound surprising considering they have no parents but it's like they're always contented, always helping, and willing to learn and are receptive to us. They appreciate every single grain of rice they get; they eat up everything. (The food there is actually quite nice too!) So far I've seen no problem kids at all. They are all so happy despite being largely limited as compared to us. And all we do is complain and rant on blogs.

Argh it's quite late I'll post some other time cause I need energy for tomorrow.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

hello again

Now it's late at night and most of them are sleeping. But here I am!

We played with the children at the school today. Mainly there was only one activity we organised. The one which you tie a balloon to your ankle and you try to step on the other teams one. Only I didn't realise it was boys vs. girls but thought it was FFA. So I stepped on a few boys ones. I think. Oops.

Then there was a free time session when we were to socialise with some of the kids. Then one of them invited me to a football game. But I ended up taking a few photos then talking to a young boy at the goalpost called Zhi Cai who was not playing. Then I gave him a plaster to replace his old plaster on his finger haha.

It's been fun I look forward to interacting more with the kids. I'll be teaching them English!

hello from China

Haha I didn't know that my hotel will have a computer with Internet connection.

It's rather cold here, but slightly pleasant like aircon.

Haven't been to the orphanage where we're supposed to help. Lunch time is soon then we're going off there to play games with them.

Yesterday was a whole day of plane rides. Today we explored the town.

China's been so fun!

Friday, November 24, 2006

off to china, man

So tomorrow it's off to China. Just played xbox. It's been fun. Have a good 2 weeks!

Thursday, November 23, 2006

oh man

It's supposed to be the holidays but after one weekend everything feels and same again. It's not inexplicable 100% jubilance 24/7 that I expected to revel in during the holidays. Somehow it's just duller.

Either school's not that boring or the holiday's were too hyped up. Or maybe it's just me feeling "emo" at the wrong time. Or maybe it's just the upcoming 2 months. Or maybe I'm supposed to make something happen instead of waiting.

What happened to the long "after "O" Levels we're going to do this" list? I think the cleaner discarded it by mistake. I think I'll wait for after church camp to see what I'll do. Till then, stoning is the agenda. Jabez I want to go your house!!!


I couldn't stop myself listening to the song three times on George's blog via the MTV on YouTube. Though I heard the song on radio before. And checked the lyrics up.

They all seem to make sense now. All those songs.



On a lighter note, bro and I went with mum and sis to renew passport yesterday, mum and sis accompanied, but mainly after that Ta Yi was treating us all to dinner, sort of "belated birthday" and just get together thing. Cousin Ling Yong stayed over last night played Halo until 1230. Haha.

So we were at Citylink for a while, and I had also passed by the previous day on the way to Marina Square for class lunch with Emman and George. Ben and I went to HMV and got that superhero compilation thingie we wanted. Woot 40 songs! And LEGAL!

I think I'm real bad at blogging about events and activities, like what i tried to do when I talked about my weekend, so perhaps I won't purposely do it again.

But basically 21st was PAE then class lunch at seoul garden sorry Mdm Nabilah for the wasabi mint and choc ice cream and James for the initial jokes at your expense though maybe you didn't hear. Seoul Garden took too long and by the time I got home it was almost time to leave for church again for the worship and revival thing with Garrett guy at night. So at the thing I was quite tired out.

Then yesterday was the passport thing and I think Seoul Garden gave me a bad stomach, just like how Carl's Jr. almost did. But Seoul Garden was like meat meat meat should have eaten vegetables like Mdm Nabilah.

Lijiang in China's on Saturday all the way to Wednesday 2 weeks from now 6 Dec. So I won't be available. And happy birthday Jabez and Yane in advance haha cause I won't be here. Missing two weekends. Then one weekend. Then the next weekend will be church camp, which will be a fun time.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Another poem

Here's another poem


The Black Rainbow

Look at the black rainbow,
(To admire?)
Silhouetted against the greying sky,
Without its pot of gold.

Life's monochrome
Without love.


weekend summary

So the day is november 17, the first day of freedom. Though this is not really freedom because the freedom we know is going to last forever but this one ain't. So enjoy it while you can.

Basically slacked the whole day played a bit of xbox and stuff. Trying to play guitar on my own. Was waiting for the history boys to end their paper to go vivo!

Vivo, oh vivo, my new home!

I arrived at a time I thought was late, but it appears that they all appeared like around one hour later. So during that time I took a shufti around the second level of vivo, haha.

Then we met at adidas and walked around the shops. After walking around and eating at burger king and complacently thinking that the movie halls won't be completely booked, we were shocked to see that the tickets were selling fast and that the timings were so late. In the end we took the 2145 show and I couldn't cancel by the time Jarren bought it. This made my Mum real angry cause I was supposed to be home by 2300.

James Bond's morphed into the slicker to someone who's actually believable. I like the rawness of this new James Bond. Daniel Craig rocks as this smart aleck. So the reviews's 4 stars were true.

Then I had to catch a cab home with Jabez cause I really late. Thanks Jabez for letting me drop first.

November 18

The day of slackness and youth service! yay!

November 19

Cell group in the morning. After that 1 hour of dota. After that off to vivo, my new home. We went over to Carl's Jr. for lunch and I don't think I'll ever eat any beef burgers at McDonald's or at Burger King. Okay Burger King maybe. Carl's Jr. is like four and a half stars out of five. It blew me away.

Then we wanted to catch a movie. But most of them wanted to watch Bond. James Bond. So I decided to abstain. I went to PageOne with Daniel (not Craig, Lee.) cause he had to go home early. Wanted to walk around vivo actually but ended up spending the whole time waiting in PageOne. Geeky.

After that we went home. And we met Cheryl at the HarbourFront mrt, cause she just finished her Ben and Jerry's shift at vivo!

Photos soon!


This weekend's been the most fun weekend I've had in a long time. Go figure why. Haha today I cleared up many notes in my room with brother. Apparently we're going to throw away majority of the lot! It's a weird feeling to look at notes that you once held valuable and now tossing it around like pieces of crap.

pieces of crap.


I'll be heading to China from 25th Nov to 6th Dec. Don't miss me ;) Haha will be missing you guys and your post 'O' Level smiles (for the Sec 4s).

Sorry for the boring post. Hope my English paper was not as boring.


Let's all pretend that this part of the post was on November 16, okay? Cause my com spoilt on that day due to the stupid Vista skin thingie.

Why the pretence? November 16 is a very special day. It was my last 'O' Level paper, and my birthday! It's like the start of my biological year and the end of my educational year.

So on 16 I went to watch my sister in her primary school play. It was rather good for primary school. It was the first time I went to the National Library also, though I visited it before while it was in construction for my project in Sec 2.

What a way to end your 'O' Levels and what a way to start your sixteenth year.

Initially wanted to blog about 'O' Level papers but now I don't. It's over. So I won't dwell on it.


Thanks for all the "all the best"s, the enquiries, the notes of encouragement. I won't forget.
