Friday, March 24, 2006

HE speaks. he posts.

It is I, Jeremy's alter ego! And I'm VERY egoistic. I'm the egoistic Jeremy! They don't call it alter ego for nothing you know.

Basically, I egoistically believe that my English paragraph in yesterday's English lesson was number 1 in the top 10 must read list, and pwns what's their names...Mark's, Suresh's, Ming Hao's, John's whatever! I owns joo descriptive writing stuff bwhahaha!

So here it is so that beautiful paragraph, if I say so myself. (with edits) ^^

Before, the air was still. But at 2.15 pm, one would have heard a muted roar, like that of an impending train. Then it all happened. A metallic shriek pierced the air, and the stampeding horde of white-uniformed boys rushed past the stone bridges over the humble abodes of the fishes in the eco-pond. The pungent odour of sweat of the boys overwhelmed the inconspicuous seaweed smell, and the rapid stomping on the concrete walkway sent shockwaves though the algae-tinged water. The boorish yellings were like those of prisoners escaping from jail, and obiliterated whatever sounds of nature which was otherwise supposes to emanate from this environment. Welcome to the eco-pond, just after dismissal.
And so that was my most beautiful...


This is Jeremy again, the real one, the modest and humble one, the oh so self-effacing one...


This is the REAL Jeremy, and I just want to say I'm so happy that I GOT THE LATEST HILLSONG UNITED CD!!!

And I got 15 pts for my L1R5 for my CA1. Can do better, indeed. Working towards my aim of "6 pts for 'O' Levels, 8 pts would be fine".


Sunday, March 12, 2006

Bottle post #3: anti-Microsoft

Something thats been running in my head:

Well, it seems now fashionable to hate Microsoft, strangely the one who made most of the stuff we are using, like the Windows OS, Microsoft Office and other stuff.

With the recent article in Time about Google, and further articles about Google in other places, it has become a very hot talking point, and weirdly, one common comment I hear is "I hope Google doesn't become like Microsoft". It seems fashionable now to hate Microsoft, love Google, love Apple, and other seemingly anti-Microsoft establishments.

It reminded me about when I was doing the 3d modelling project with Leon in Sec 2 for the Kool Kids project. One German guy we met, had to tell us the basics of making the Virtual Interface thingie so we could use it to explore the virtual 3d model of the New National Library we made. While telling us about it, I forgot how, he kept on slipping in anti-Microsoft comments, which seemed delightfully unique to us Sec 2s at that time. (He used Linux, apparently).

And it seems that there is a growing, but small number of Apple haters, commenting on how they rip you off, blah blah, et cetera. Is that a trend?

Maybe its not the companies, but us.

Maybe one day we will hate Google. Lets see.

Bottle post #2: Pulau Ubin

Recently I went Pulau Ubin for an overnight recce thing. It was with Charles, Rahul, two ex-primers Ivan and Darren (Daryl's Bro) and one Officer/new teacher at VS, Calvin.

It was rather scary at night in Pulau Ubin, what more with all the ghost stories that Calvin told us. We basically explored the place in an apprehensive manner, constantly scared, but to the point till we were so numbed to the feeling that we stopped being scared. The other three liked to look at funny stuff, like abandoned wells and what nots. We occasionally talked about dota along the way as well.

The nice part was when they showed us the place where Calvin and Ivan had their previous experience. We went in, from the path, and went in quite deep, and tried to find the bowls they were talking about. We found one half buried, and digged at it, filled with suspense. It was just an ancient pottery bowl thingie. The spooky thing is, where it came from. We walked out and saw a couple more bowls on the way out. If you know the Bedok Reservoir ghost story you'll find it spooky.

After all the walking, we soon became more tired than scared. The bags made our shoulders sore, and when we finally finished at the open space near the entrance of Pulau Ubin, we settled down. Talking about dota till everyone slept.

We woke up early the next morning, and went to the jetty to wait for a boat. We thought they wanted 12 people (max capacity) before they could take us, and we waited for around 1 1/2 hours! Finally some guy asked us whether we wanted a boat, except we pay double. We could have left earlier except we didn't know we could! Argh.

Came back. Bought the nice nasi lemak for breakfast at the hawker centre, went to VS. Camp meeting, went home.

I felt very itchy before church, and during church. After church went I went home, I was free to scratch myself like mad without anyone looking, and I did. And I regret it. I woke up this morning with rashes all over; must be due to sleeping on the dirty open space in Pulau Ubin, made worst by scratching.

Thats why I'm staying at home today, and not going to cell group. Sigh.

Bottle post #1: Hair comments

Since cutting my hair in that weird way last week, I have received several comments, and I'll try to remember them. It's weird (the comments, not the hair, but it may be weird also but now "It" means the comments) as the comments are both good and bad, so I'm confused.

Here they are, if I remember correctly:

"Your new hair sucks."

"Hey! So nice! Say is you copy me!"

"You look like a Mat. Really!"

"Oh, Jeremy has got a new hairstyle! But you know what will happen when it grows longer right? I will do what I did to Emmanuel's tail."

"Jeremy act punk."

"So you think now you pai kia (gangster) already lah!"

"This hairstyle doesn't suit you."

"This hairstyle suits your head quite well. I think you can try do mohawk it will look quite nice."

(names have been left out for no particular purpose, maybe to protect the person's identity, maybe because he/she is a minor, or maybe for fun, or maybe because I forgot)

There are more but perhaps it has been forgotten.

you open the bottle...

and out pops three blog posts! not counting this note which tells you that you open the bottle... and out pops three blog posts! not counting this note ......

okay, you'll just see three posts, one after another, which have been bottled up in my mind.

Sunday, March 05, 2006


I'll stop pretending to be nonchalant and pretend I'm not disappointed at not getting promoted at Awards Day. Why is it that I'm always the late one to get promoted it seems, since Sec 1 till now? I've worked so hard and and done all I could, but it seems I'm always considered second-rate compared to others. The only time which I seemed to be ahead was when me and daryl were made into probational sgts right after bq, and that didn't even work out anyway. I feel that there's this trade off thing, like they're waiting for my magazine or something.

I know that Calvin is right if you are promoted, be encouraged, and if you are not, don't be discouraged, so perhaps the probational sgt after bq was to encourage me that being the bq ic was one such way I could lead and contribute in the BB, but I still have this uncanny feeling that I'm being shortchanged.

I don't like it.