Wednesday, December 19, 2007

christmas and nostalgia

Why is it only close to the end of the year that we start to think of the times that have long passed? It's been a fast year, and isn't that what everyone says. Next year we're already J2s, and I just entered VJC awhile ago.

the night was young and so were we
graduation night '06
And it started with the end. Sec 4 was probably one of the most fun times of our lives although it was 'O' Level year. Old enough, to be kings of the school, yet young enough to have our lives easy and simple. We'd known each other for at least two years, and can all smile genuinely with one another.

phobos og boys
Then it was off to JC. Met and made new friends, and it felt like an exciting new chapter in life.
But I don't even know what's happening to them now.

MJC 07S411
Look, here's Jonathan in the picture. That nice beng. And MJC felt so much like home, and our class felt so much like a class after the three months. I remember the COMPASS lesson and everyone was so emo because we were all possibly going to have to split soon. It felt as though we could stay in this moment for the rest of our lives. But look as us all now, barely in contact except those in MJC. Don't even know how Jonathan's doing now. Met Vijay and Melanie a few times at those choir events, and happened to meet RandyandTracy once and Fish once just last Monday and it was all smiles. But it many a time it was quick hellos and it's sad because it's as though we all had to get on with our lives.

xianyong and jeremy, pattaya
Then it was off to VJC, where I settled into as my final home. Met real nice people, and became very close to choir people especially. (I'm quite sorry that I've not been very close to the class, but that is one of the things I will try harder next year.) But sometimes it all threatens to be confusing and sometimes you don't know what's happening anymore. And the things we think of as eternal would come undone. And hey xianyong, we used to be real close, but although we are not the best of friends anymore, I'm glad we're still friends.

hongsheng, pattaya
And there were nice seniors, like in MJC too. And perhaps we as juniors didn't really reciprocate. But well they're all going off to army or uni now. Thanks for everything.

Why do we smile for photos? It's so that when we look back it will know that we had happy times. I know I had happy times, sian times, and not so happy times in the past year, and it's been more confusing and/or tiring than most. But it's also had the most exciting moments. And I thank God for it all.

Some people say I look quite serious sometimes. Or that I don't really smile during performances. Haha. I leave you now with my best smile.

Look, you see, I'm trying my best, but it's hard. Haha!


This holiday's been exciting, fulfilling, and fun-filled, with birthdays, camp, choir, and other stuff. Though there's some things which I should have done more, like:

Spending more time with God
Study for R-papers and other subjects
Practicing guitar
Exercising more (haha thanks desmond for the cycling sessions!)
Watching Heroes

This is a pre-christmas post, since I'll be leaving on the 21st and coming back on the 28th. So here's to all of you, an early Merry Christmas.

I'll be missing all the carolling sessions from 21st hotels for me :( . Jiayou everyone you'll all be able to do it and spread the christmas joy! Sorry seniors can't make it for farewell too. But try your best to have fun in army okay, you shaved head boys.

Merry Christmas and a Happy 2008. See you next year.


Tuesday, December 18, 2007

love lead me on

- The Afters

Someday I'm gonna go out to the country
I'll drive til the highway ends
Chasing after picture perfect sunsets
To take away my breath

I'm tired of living in the city
The world's got me tied on a string
Wanderlust has overcome me
Like Lewis and Clark I'll dream

There's a million different ways to go
Only God can know where I will call my home

Love lead me on
No one else has gone
Faith keep me strong
Love lead me on

The open road can be so lonely
I'm longing for someone to love
If only I could share my new surroundings
Open the doors above

There's a million different ways to go
Only God can know where I will call my home

Love lead me on
No one else has gone
Faith keep me strong
Love lead me on

Faith keep me strong
Love lead me home

Saturday, December 15, 2007

not so silent night

I'm quite glad I went for this concert. It's at concerts like these that makes you wonder if the rock music you normally listen to is really music, haha. So many layers, with such full chords, and many movements, I don't really know music theory so I can't really explain. But basically the complexity gives a lot more feeling. And I know not many rock bands have songs that are as complex and layered as the songs I've heard tonight. And they were really beautiful. And apart from the songs there was like that funny skit haha.

I went with Phoebe and Mark Leong, to support Meiyi, whom we bought the tickets from. Don't really know many band people personally except Jiawei, Matthew, Mieo Teng, and Johnson, who was not performing tonight though. They all did well tonight. And the Sec 4s that performed together with them are not bad.

Then at the end of the concert I saw the other choir people. I didn't know they'll be there too, haha. They came together apparently. I joined them at the end to go supper, but we walked too slowly and the lagoon was too far away, and it was very late, so in the end we didn't go and just walked out to Marine Parade Road and went home.

Somehow my English sounds weird in this post. But nevermind.

Sunday, December 09, 2007

junior camp!

This song's quite infectious...okay but anyway,

Receive! Renew! Revive!

That was the theme if the camp, with the the camp verse being 1 Timothy 4:12, "Let no one look down on your youthfulness, but in rather speech, conduct, love, faith and purity, show yourself an example of those who believe."

To be honest, I didn't really look forward to the camp, as I didn't know most of the people I was going with. But closer to the camp I resolved to put my all in leading my group, that's why I pulled out of SDD in the end.

Sentosa is quite a nice place, with our campsite next to Palawan Beach, so we could eat Koufu for two dinners. But our campsite, really makes this camp a camp, unlike all previous church camps which has always been resorts or hotels.

I was the leader of Olives (camp group names are names of places in the Bible), with Cheryl Low co-leading. Thank God for her without her I don't know how I could have connected to my predominantly girl group. Also she's one of the most enthu people. My group had a great start as most of them started opening up in the first day and making friends, so the bonding and the enthuness was there from the start. We ended up with the most points on the first day, because of our cheers and everything.

Although we didn't do that well at the games the spirit was still there. I told them that winning was not everything as long as we tried our best and had fun. So they seemed to have learned that well. Haha then during the group times when we had to play games, I taught them all the games I knew like the VJ orientation ones and others. Cheryl like became addicted to Hainan Ji Fan. Learned a few other games too like some shooting game and some macaroni song game. Haha we all had fun as a group. :)

The games planned were quite fun, kudos to the games comm, especially the war games on the third day, which was similar to the war games at the senior camp last year. On the first day it rained, which was quite sad as the games on that day had to be cancelled. But God showed how amazing he was as he held the rain on the third day until the point the games ended. It can't have been that coincidental.

But perhaps the highlights of the camp were the second and the third nights, the ministry nights, because those were the nights I met God. I just broke down. I can't really describe it and I shan't go into the details.

So guess who won best group? Olives!