Wednesday, June 20, 2007

mush mug

today went marine parade library to mug with xianyong and did differentiation and was quite productive very long never do differentiation already product rule sia haha a pun ate ban mian for lunch before that i'm quite starting to quite like ban mian since i started eating it this year and i took a nap at first before i started working and the library person woke me up haha after studying in the afternoon with differentiation plus a bit of econs ate the oreo cheesecake at cafe galilee that is quite nice and parents fetched as they just fetched joy from piano lesson so they were around the area went to eat beef noodles that are quite nice but then get sick of eating towards the end then i felt sleepy in the car and slept then i came home and conked out on the bed now just woke up and the very best of vivaldi's playing on the speakers ben play it one and i am going to shower and try to mug some more


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