Sunday, June 24, 2007

a brief respite

That's another way of saying "a short break". Tomorrow's there's GP so must know how to paraphrase!

Been studying econs because it's the other paper I'm going to take tomorrow. Today's the last week of the holidays, and tomorrow starts the term and the exams. In one week it'll be over.

This holiday's mainly been fulfilling due to the literature trip I went to. Made a few new friends and also got to get back in touch with friends from the past (like Mark Leong and Phoebe). It really was summer for ten days. Summer has come and passed.

Studying together with lit trip people, choir people, and going back to VS to study like in the past with some of the usual people has been nice too. And it's been one of the holidays in a long time that I did not watch a movie. I guess you don't really have to care about catching the latest movies.

Okay back to econs.


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