Monday, May 28, 2007


Tomorrow, for the Lit trip at UK-France.

Will miss you all.

See you.

Friday, May 25, 2007

the chase!

On thursday before we went to MJChoir concert, Xian Yong, Victor and I decided to head over to Novabelle's house to keep her company since she had an elephant foot and was lonely at home. So we took bus 135.

And that's when while on the bus, my handphone convieniently dropped out of my pocket, and I only realised this a while after we alighted the bus.

This sort of thing has not happened to me since lower secondary. So I was naturally surprised. And distraught as this phone has been a phone that I've really liked.

When Xian Yong called my phone, someone picked up, but didn't say anything, and I heard zipping sounds and general bus sounds. Then a subsequent call showed that it was turned off.

We flagged a taxi and gave chase!

We intercepted the bus when it was about to approach Ang Mo Kio Interchange. Xian Yong quickly rushed to the bus while Victor helped to pay first, and the good ol' taxi uncle only charged $5 when it was supposed to be $6+.

Xian Yong boarded the bus and saw a man about to turn on my handphone, and took it from him, saying it was mine. The man just said he found it on the seat.

And I was a happy boy.

i like

Although I didn't watch Spideman, I do like this song.

Signal Fire - Snow Patrol

The perfect words never crossed my mind,
'cause there was nothing in there but you.
I felt every ounce of me screaming out,
But the sound was trapped deep in me.
All I wanted just sped right past me,
While I was rooted fast to the earth.
I could be stuck here for a thousand years,
Without your arms to drag me out.

There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety

No I won't wait forever

In the confusion and the aftermath
You are my signal fire
The only resolution and the only joy
Is the faint spark of forgiveness in your eyes

There you are standing right in front of me
All this fear falls away to leave me naked
Hold me close cause I need you to guide me to safety

No I won't wait forever
HELLO jeremy didnt sign out so i'm sneaking in! HAHAH :D
Okay goodbye!

Friday, May 18, 2007

a rather late joke

somehow, school seems to leave you shaken, not stirred to work hard.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

of hair and blood

Ooh today I cut my hair and got some blood drawn from my body and Xian Yong pangseh me go watch Spiderman.

My hair's real short now. And the hairdresser used some thinning scissors or something that plucks your hair out and make it look real thin. I realised that I don't have any pictures of that great mop of messy black hair. And I must find people who pictures of me with that hair because I have rarely let it grow so long, haha. But it was getting hot anyway.

I went to get a sample of my blood drawn so I can do a blood test to find out what blood group I am in. For the Lit trip. But at least I will finally know my blood group.

Cheerios! STUDY!

Symphony of Voices

Yesterday was really an experience. Glad to have sung with all of you from VJChoir. To me it is a privilege. I came to VJChoir with nothing and somehow managed to get in. In these few weeks, I feel my singing technique has improved although I still have a long way more to go before I get up to standard. Choir has also put me more in touch with my musical side, something that I had left aside these few years.

I want to thank the choir members for being so friendly to me, and for being like a second family. I feel blessed to have friends and seniors like you. And although these may be the last performance for some of you seniors, don't be sad because there's still caroling. And you'll always be part of VJChoir.

I'm happy to have had this opportunity to perform on the Esplanade Hall stage with you guys. This is a memory I will remember and treasure. We shared the same backstage as The Phantom also. haha. Some people got to see him!

And oh man I didn't take a single photo yesterday. And now I'm chionging lots of fried food and other stuff that I've been fasting from haha.

Monday, May 14, 2007

Happy Mother's Day

Just woke up.

It's tbe "morning" May 14 now, but just about an hour plus ago it was the night of the previous day. So I'll say Happy Mother's Day.

Though I didn't get you a present Mum...I just want to say I appreciate you all these years taking care of me. I owe you.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

"onward" the sailors cry, they cry,

You can only go forward. Don't give up.

Saturday, May 05, 2007

second chances

Perhaps you prayed very hard for another chance. And God gave you the chance. But what's the use if it was not used well.

Make sure you use it well and prove yourself.

Tuesday, May 01, 2007


Recently I've been wondering if I made the right choices. You know that feeling when you have doubt about the choices you made. Sometimes it seems unnatural for you to be doing what you are doing. And you are apprehensive about the outcome. You wonder whether you'll regret it that you sacrificed something else for the choice you made, but well, you've made the choice. And you hope that the end proves to be fruitful, and not disastrous.

That's why sometimes I seem so uncertain and fickle. I really want all the choices I make to be right, and to be worth it. Even the small ones. Because a small choice can make big changes.