Monday, June 26, 2006


June holidays have ended, but it has done me a fat lot of good. I feel more confident now and more relaxed, hope I can now pick up the pace and start hardcore studying. Studying for an exam is a ridiculous idea, but I'm going to do it anyway.
Today was the first day of school. Made a nice timetable for myself. PE! But argh haven't played basketball for the whole month and felt very noob. Yesterday was also my last dota game. Now I must do hard work!

Been wanting to blog but haven't got the chance. Now I do. I also feel like changing my blog template, and I've got an idea in mind, but now it's so late I guess I have to do it sometime.

Big Dan, the man with the mastaplan is in Singapore! and still on crutches. Hope he heals. It's sad, he can't play football, which he likes so much. I also saw his bro for the first time too. he's also tall, around my height, but he's only 12! I guess he will be like Daniel when he comes our age.

Last Saturday night was quite nice. They did The Time Has Come, the first time they ever tried a song from United We Stand. Also, around the end of worship I really felt the presence of God, really was touched. It was when Pastor Barnz asked us to try think about God, and try to hear if he is speaking to you. Then he asked people to go up if they had heard a message or felt something, and share it. I was scared to go up, so I didn't go.

Then argh, one part of the sermon talked about being unashamed! How applicable!

And here's a photo of Ben and me, forgot when! (kudos to gerry!)

Monday, June 19, 2006


The Raffles Club stay was sort of fun. And since they happened to have cable, I could catch some cartoons and England vs. Trinidad and Tobago with my cousins. And why didn't that guy do his RoboCrouch dance? Oh yar, and played quite a few arcade games.

Sunday, June 11, 2006


It's June. The holiday that was supposed to be, but converted to mugging programmes, but transformed back into the slacking days as time passes. I think you know what I mean.

It's overseas vacation time! Not going overseas actually, but going to have a 2D1N stay at Raffles Club, should sponsored by my Da Yi. My Dad's going off for a mission trip to China tomorrow and hope he will be okay throughout.

It's World Cup time! Hooray! Except I don't have cable. The only matches I have watched are the first 12 minutes of Germany vs. Costa Rica before I fell asleep (was never tailored to be a football fanatic, never really grew up as one), and also the last 30 minutes of England vs. Paraguay at some roti prata coffeeshop when I was there for supper after church yesterday. I think I'll just read newspapers. Hope Brasil wins.

It's mugging time! Hooray! Done some stuff, but not much, the first 2 weeks have gone by and it's been mostly fun and games, remedials, tuition, and a only bit of homework (math) and a bit of chem revision.

It's work out time! Hooray? Nah only exercised a bit today after coming home from cell group meeting + dota OOPS I have played dota twice this month, both with cell group friends! Won twice too. ^^

It's Singapore Idol time! Hooraaay! Moi supports Paul Twohill for boys, and Jasmine Tye for girls. I guess. I feel that they split the two boy groups rather unevenly. The next 7 don't seem that good, some from the first group could have been better.

It's blogging time! Hooray. Quite a few posts, but lack substance. Changed the background anyway. It's a title from a song from a band called The Afters. Go hear.

It's June! Go enjoy it, and have fun.


Monday, June 05, 2006

random haiku

this is my story
conceptualisation of
the bildungsroman


Oh, ignore that. Just something from a game I play



Why do people sometimes just suddenly shave their hair?

First let us talk about hair. Hair is not just something growing out of your head as it seems to be. It plays a great psychological role in fact. Why there is such thing as hair products, other than shampoo, is clearly a great sign of the part hair has to play in human society. Most humans have styled their hair it seems, since very long ago, instead of just letting it loose.

When you shave your hair, it seems, you are letting go of this item on yourself which you can "show off" with. You can't just get it back again, it has to grow back over a painfully long period of time.

why do people sometimes just suddenly shave their hair?

After much thought, I concluded that it was because shaving hair shows that you have confidence. The lack of hair, it seems, can attribute to some people's lack of self-confidence. While the presence of well styled hair that everyone can admire is something that can provide you confidence.

Take that Singapore Idol guy, Paul Twohill for example. His hair is already characteristic of him, one detail which everyone remembers.

Among people who deliberately shave their hair (not counting those that are going to NS or are doing it for attention) are monks. Monks are meant to be undistracted by the world, and this hair, is to them such an uneccessary distraction.

I believe that people who can exude true confidence, are those that can shave their head deliberately. You sometimes have to admire them. Which is why I noticed most students who try this stunt do it in a group; you get more confidence when everyone does it, you know? ("groupie mentality" haha).

This case holds true especially for women, I feel. Their hair is even more of symbol to them then us men. Which is why when Natalie Portman shaved her hair, for V for Vendetta, it was a shock, but it showed to us that she dared to do what others don't really dare to.


Why did I think of such a question?

I recently went to cut my hair as I had to go for some BB thing, and we were required to keep short hair, which were not touching the ears, blah. So I went to EC House at Pasir Ris MRT, and the incompetent woman couldn't cut the hair the way I wanted it, giving excuses. I felt rotten after leaving the shop and was very angry with her.

After I got home, still fuming, suddenly I wondered why I got so worked up over something like HAIR. It's only hair. I cooled down and realised I was acting pretty irrational. On the way to church, on the long bus ride, I was just thinking about the significance of hair, thus I thought of such a question, then pondered over it.

Remember to relax, especially over trivial matters.