Sunday, April 30, 2006

[insert title here]

Been studying for the past few days, though not hard enough. Hope this weekend reaps goodness.

Found george's blog. Now there's a blog which doesn't post nonsense(>.>). New reading material!

There's this iPod Bible thing that seems cool. Most are commercialised, though a quick search with Google found me a free one. It doesn't seem to work though with the Nano though. And kudos to Adri for lending me his spare earphones. I appreciate it man.

Been listening to some mrbrown stuff. Some are really quite funny like his election spoofs and a couple of zhng my car shows. But the rest are seriously plain crap.

Meanwhile, stay tuned.

Wait, that sounds so cliche.

And so did that phrase.


Never mind.


Friday, April 28, 2006


It's the mid-years again. Today was the first day.

As usual, I will set out my goals.

English: A1
E Math: A1
A Math: A1
Physics: A1
Chemistry: A1
Biology: B3
G/SS: B3
Chinese: C5

A bit lofty, but those are goals.


Wednesday, April 12, 2006

it's not about the rank.

it never was.

A few weeks ago it was a time when I was antagonising about rank, and all that stuff. Though now I have been promoted, I just already before I realised that rank is but something material. Even before Calvin's email.

It was during my PFM duty, I had to do marshalling for junior AQ. During lunch, I was eating with the people that I had worked with at my station, one of them was a CLT from Temasek Poly. While talking over lunch, he told us he was a just a SGT when he was released. Apparently he was supposed to be promoted, but there was a delay or something until his passsing out.

It occured to me that this person is a CLT, someone who comes back to serve in the BB, doesn't mind helping out in events, does it with joy, not tired with serving in BB during the council years, as you tend to do, and not concerned over rank. To him, rank was just something that came along.

Like a bolt from the blue.

I remember the last saturday when I came home and unpacked my bag, took out the rank, glanced at it, and tossed it in the cupboard. Having it now over not having it before didn't make any difference. Sure, I was happy, but it was only short term.
"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal."
-Matthew 6:19-20

Character, not rank.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

if you have nothing good to say, then don't say anything.

So I won't say anything about someone.

While my mind gives a silent scream.