Sunday, November 16, 2008

harvey murphy

It's supposed to be 17th today, but I changed the date for the sake of it.

Hello. I'm Jeremy and I'm 18 at the edge of "a fresh green breast of the new world". Okay Lit is getting to me. It's my very last paper on wednesday. I remember two years ago I ended 'O' Levels on my birthday. This will be the last time my birthday is in the midst of exams! So erm maybe that's why people didn't give me presents? Haha doesn't matter. Just call me out or something. I realise time is perhaps the greatest present one can give.

Hi I'm Jeremy and I'm 18. That means by default my brother's 18. And a certain guy called Samuel Lee as well. Haha.

Hello I'm Jeremy and I'm 18 and thanks for all the birthday wishes! And the dinner. Thanks for remembering me! And for those that didn't its okay. It doesn't mean you've diminished in value as my friends. I'll remember you all regardless.

Hello I'm Jeremy and I'm finally 18, so I can buy and drink beer. Although I think I won't want to do it. I can also watch M18 movies. But well how much of a difference does it make unless another movie like Passion of the Christ or something comes out again. Freedom huh.

Hi I'm Jeremy and I'm 18 and JC life is about to end if it actually hasn't ended already. I'll miss the people (don't forget me!), and even the school building. There's something about it that makes me feel at home. And after this there won't be another school building until another two more years. And it will be different from the usual school buildings.

Hey I'm Jeremy and I'm 18, and don't you think it's scary everyone's going their separate ways and it's no longer like "oh you're still in small Singapore maybe I'll bump into you" and "oh maybe we can meet up" but its like so many are going to say "oh I'll be in another part of the world keep in touch on MSN!". Tell me if you're leaving okay so I can send you off! And if you're not we can go and eat local food together and make them envy!

Hello I'm Jeremy and I'm supposed to be a 18 year-old man now. An nsMAN. But I'm in Pes C so I guess my physical transformation is limited haha. I'm going in on Jan 28 so till then I'm free. Outings!

Hello I'm Jeremy and I'm re-dedicating my life to Christ today.

Saturday, November 01, 2008



two hollow eyes stare back at you,
voids within.

a sudden explosion, hush,
then a tinkle of a star long forgotten.

an isolated island,
threatening to dissolve into
