Friday, April 27, 2007

tired of the weather

So that's where that tune is from.

So surreal. But so real still.

Monday, April 23, 2007


just wanted to say

Thanks Xian Yong for being such a good friend.
Thanks Hongsheng for being such a good friend/senior.

Thank you Lord for blessing me. I don't know how I deserve this.

Somehow as things may seem to be falling apart, perhaps we can build through this destruction, and make this the start of something new.

When a flower blooms, does it mean it is going to die? Perhaps not, after all.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Okay this is quite weird, though some parts are not true. Take the test by clicking on the title.


Life for some time now has been somewhat depressing and you feel 'under the weather'. You are looking for a means by which you can escape from all the pressures of everyday life. But you must remember that the 'Past does not equal 'Tomorrow'. You are seeking a way to escape from all the trials and tribulations that oppress you at this time, but at least you haven't given up - if one pattern of behaviour doesn't seem to work then you'll change it for another.

You want what you want and you need all that you want and, as they say in the movies, you are the sort of individual that 'By hook or by crook' you will, by fair means or foul, endeavour to get what you are looking for.

You are a rather inhibited sort of person. This could be the result of your upbringing or of your schooling, whatever. You are able to obtain satisfaction from various forms of physical or emotional activity but all in all you are inclined to be emotionally withdrawn. As a consequence of this you find it difficult to sustain any deep involvement.

You are experiencing extreme frustration at this point of time, trying to achieve security and peace of mind, but whatever you seem to do doesn't effect the situation. You are worn out and your energy is being seriously depleted. You may be experiencing what is known as 'heartache' - both mentally and physically. You are a listener and you listen and respond to everything that is going on around you. You feel that all that life has to offer should be within your grasp and you would like to participate in every part of it but the situation is such that every door seems to be closed to you. You just can't understand why that is. But it is - and what's more you feel powerless to change it.

You feel utterly wretched - worn out. The demands that other people have been making on you have depleted your strength and stamina. You feel powerless to try to remedy the situation on your own and you are looking for what is hopefully known as 'divine intervention'. But be assured your salvation lies in yourself - you have the ability so use it.

failure is null

these are only things called setbacks. then you just get on your feet again and continue.


Today the iPlay thing was quite okay. Well was rather sian though tug-of-war was fun. It gave me lots of "finger wounds". Then got the 200m relay...never sprinted so fast since don't know when, and it's not that fast. I felt like I was flying haha. Did some econs.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007


Even when life's commitments binds you down, you can get free Ben&Jerry's ice-cream cones!
Haha today after sectionals we went to Suntec to get the free Ben&Jerry's ice-cream, cause it was free cone day. I never knew they had an annual free cone day.

I realised that I didn't blog at all about MusicFest. Well one thing I have to say is that it worth it. what...oh yeah go and do PW! Preliminary Ideas!

Monday, April 16, 2007

failure is a stepping stone to success

Don't let setbacks bring you down.
Hope and
Stay strong and keep on going.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


This is the 100th post! What a waste of a post.

Life goes on as usual.

Sunday, April 08, 2007

not ashamed of the gospel!

It's been holy week! Though it's been a week trying to do my last minute homework. Then it was holy weekend! Haha.

Got baptised on Good Friday! Together with Ben! Baptism is supposed to be a public declaration of your faith. Ta Yi and cousins came along to see. Then after that went to eat lunch together. Quite a long time since I've spent time with my cousins. Tried to do some homework in the afternoon.

Saturday was choir practice again. And they did all the sacred songs need a lot of technique. Well. They were going to some church that evening. But I asked to be excused and went for my own youth service. It was a special service with the theme seven. And I met some of the MJChoir people when we went to the CC to practice. Apparently they just ended their practice.

Sonic Edge Band was loud. Was quite good but real loud. The message was well organised I liked the way they presented it. Each of Jesus's last seven words of the cross were shown with the gory clips from Passion of the Christ. Then after each word was shown a speaker will go and talk about the significance. Got the new Sonic Edge Band album. Haha.

Today had cluster outing with the Sec 1s at Sentosa. Lunch at Koufu was a ripoff...and I didn't know that Sentosa had a Koufu. Trying to manage them was reminiscent of the time in BB when we got our new Sec 1s. Though well at least here was more relaxed so we didn't need to do things like discipline them. Overall it turned out fine though there were a few problems...but well they're still Sec 1s. And met Junhao at Sentosa Palawan Beach 7-11! So long never see him it was nice to see him again.

I guess baptism was the main highlight of this weekend. Finally did it and it's symbolic of death of rebirth. A new life!

And tomorrow it's back to mundane schooling which you poly people are missing out on!

Sunday, April 01, 2007

and it's spring!

It's Holy week and Good Friday this Friday and I'm getting baptised! Haha yay! Saturday night got special service okay so must go contact me if you want to go!

Last Saturday was the choir performances thingie. It was real nice seeing the MJChoir people. Is April the cruellest month?

Signed up for Lit trip to UK and France. Looking forward to it.

And I've got to start working harder and to really start studying. It's no joke, you know, this thing called education.